Where people will live the longest by the middle of this century. Global Life Expectancy Continues to Rise, Fueled by Healthcare Advancements, Technological Progress, and Economic Development. Recent studies suggest that humanity is inching closer to a potential lifespan of 150 years. However, achieving this milestone remains a considerable journey, with substantial gaps in life expectancy persisting between nations even by 2050. While the projected global average is set to increase from 73.4 to 77.2 years, certain regions, notably in Africa, are anticipated to lag far behind this benchmark. Click and scroll on to discover the predicted life expectancy in 2050 for 30 selected countries based on data collated by database.earth, ranked from the lowest to the highest. All dollar amounts are in US dollars. Story by Daniel Coughlin 1. Chad: 58.3 years Life expectancy in Chad is expected to be the lowest in the world in 2050 at 58.3 years, but this is a marked improvement on th...